23–27 Oct 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Infrasound Monitoring of volcanic eruptions and contribution of ARISE to the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers

Not scheduled
Poster Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


Emanuele Marchetti (University of Firenze)


With the advent of Civil Aviation and the exponential growth in the air traffic the problem of a volcanic ash encounter has become an issue of paramount importance, which needs to be addressed in real time. We discuss the contribution of the ARISE project to volcano monitoring and to Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs) and highlight the need for an integration of the CTBT-IMS Infrasound network with local and regional infrasound arrays capable of providing a timely early warning to VAACs. In this work we focus on the eruptive activity from Etna volcano for the time period between 2014 and 2016 and compare the Volcanic Ash Advisories issued by Toulouse VAAC with information on the status of eruptive activity derived from infrasound array observations provided by local and regional arrays.

Primary author

Emanuele Marchetti (University of Firenze)

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