23–27 Oct 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Local Seismic and Infrasound Networks as National Technical Mean in Makran region South-East of Iran

Not scheduled
Poster Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


Nooshin Najafipour (Parsian Seismograph Company)


Some local networks of Iran are presented and their activity compare with regional network. Seismic networks are and will be probably forever the only tool that enables study of the detailed structure and physical properties of the Earth. Local seismic networks could effectively use checking seismic activity of any area with highest resolution and precision. Lots of small events couldn’t record on global networks and the magnitude of completeness of local network catalogs are always less than regional or global ones which is a great advantage of these kind of networks as national technical mean. The detecting ability simply changes with instrumental coverage which plays an effective role for professional and applied usages in seismology. Many local networks are operating for various goals of seismology in Iran and this definitely will increase the quality of studies and can prepare lots of informative data that directly relates to seismic hazard assessment. Infrasound networks are one of the other local networks that we could have. We could use infrasound networks in south-east of Iran, Makran subduction zone. We could detect interfering oceanic waves if we have Infrasound network in this region.

Primary author

Nooshin Najafipour (Parsian Seismograph Company)

Presentation materials