First infrasound station I34MN was installed in 2002 in Mongolia. Since that the acoustic signals have been continuously being registered with seismic signals from mining blast and determining the source parameters. In the winter time we continuously detect mining signal from Baganuur blast (150 km from mine) but we did not register any signal in Summer time. That was not in agreed with ground truth data. With noise level analysis shows in this region acoustic signal noise level increased from 25-30 dB to 30-40 in summer. Another hand this could be connected infrasound propagation model difference winter and summer time. To check these phenomena we installed another new IBH infrasound station with distance 350 km from mining area. 25 blasts seismic and acoustic signals of from the Baganuur mine were analyzed at two infrasound stations. Obtained result compared infrasound wave propagation model generated by InfraTaup. Based on InfraTaup model 150 km form away, I34MN station detected reflective wave of stratosphere and 350 km from away IBHM station detected reflective wave of stratosphere and thermosphere.