The IS35 Infrasound station in Tsumeb Namibia has been operating since 2005. The Namibian NDC is located 400km away from the infrasound station and is managed by the sub-Division, Crustal Geophysics, in the Geological Survey of Namibia. High staff turnover was primarily due to lucrative salary improvements in the private sector, however with a significant slump in the mining sector in recent years, the Geophysics Division has been able to maintain its staff compliment since 2013. This allowed the Division to develop long-term projects with staff. The Crustal Geophysics sub-Division manages the Seismology Observatory of Namibia, the IS35 infrasound station and the NDC. Seismic data from the IMS network has assisted in regional seismic analyses, however it has always been the hope to make better use of the IS35 infrasound station data. The sub-Division is investigating a practical application to use the data from the IS35 station in conjunction with the AS067 auxiliary seismic station to identify mining activity. Tschudi, an open-pit copper mine located less than 15km from the infrasound station serves as source whereby the two data sets in a complimentary fashion is used to locate mining blasts. This poster illustrates the challenges faced.