23–27 Oct 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

The importance of IS08 infrasound station inside the re localization of strong motion felt in Bolivia.

Not scheduled
Poster Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


Mayra Nieto Canaviri (Observatorio San Calixto)


Bolivia has four seismogenic sources, shallow (from 0 to 75km), intermediate (from 100km to 300km), deep (from 350km to 600km) and far away sources (south of Peru and north of Chile) due to the seismic waves amplification under the main capital cities (La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Santa Cruz), the earthquake of 1st April 2014 at 23:46:47 UT 8.2mww located at northern cost of Chile was felt with IV MM this earthquake also generated ground coupled air waves which were analyzed with the DTK – GPMCC software to help us to start the research in infrasound, the second event was on 1st October 2014 at 06:08:22 UT 4.9Mw located at Lloja - La Paz, it was felt with IV – V MM around the city, this event did not generate ground coupled air waves but using the IS08 technology and data in combination with DTK – GPMCC helped us to reduce the ellipse epicenter uncertainty moreover this procedure confirmed the re localization of the event based on back azimuth and the intensity map. Both analyses were developed by NDC staff in order to do infrasound analysis during the daily routine with further events recorded in IS08.

Primary author

Mayra Nieto Canaviri (Observatorio San Calixto)

Presentation materials