23–27 Oct 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Geospatial analysis of infrasound events from Arctic region recorded by IMS infrasound network.

Not scheduled
Poster Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


Jane Gore (CTBTO)


The aim of this study is to assess the current status of IMS infrasound network in order to monitor the Eurasian Arctic region and analyse the geographical distribution of infrasound events based on the Late Event Bulletin (LEB) at the CTBTO. The study area covers several provinces of the Eurasian Arctic such as Fennoscandia, North-Western Russia and adjacent territories. In total over 500 LEB events with infrasound associations were recorded by the IMS Network and reviewed by analysts at the International Data Centre (IDC) during the period January 2011 to December 2016 at high latitude regions (above 60°N) and its surroundings. The geographical distribution shows multiple clusters with mostly mixed technology events (infrasound and seismic) – e.g. Sweden and Finland-Russia border region. There are also multiple clusters where events recorded by both technologies are observed, such as Finland and North-Western Russia and multiple clusters with infrasound only events, such as Barents Sea. In this work we study similarities and differences between those clusters focusing on the variability of the wave parameters.

Primary author

Jane Gore (CTBTO)

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