Argentina has adopted the CTBT and fully ratified in December 1998. Since the beginning, ARN was designated responsible for the RN and IS technology of the International Monitoring System (IMS).In this sense, ARN and Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) started working together towards the installation of the stations under Argentina responsibility. IS02 Ushuaia station became operational in April 2005 but due to flooding of the vaults all of them were reinforced in January 2006. In August 2006, IS02 Ushuaia station (Tierra del Fuego) was certified. After two years new problems with water filtration appeared at the station, making it extremely necessary to update its infrastructure. Today presents high performance being operated and maintenance by ARN. Low frequency acoustic waves can propagate thousands of kilometers until they arrive at infrasound arrays of the IS stations. IS02 Ushuaia station is a five element infrasound array and IS01 Bariloche station is planned to be an eight element infrasound array. After more than 10 years of ARN's experience, we move forward with the installation of IS01 station in Pilcaniyeu location.