23–27 Oct 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Use IMS Infrasound data : Investigation of the Ascension Islands Event

Not scheduled
Poster Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


Sombewindin Emile Tiendrebeogo (National Center of Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST))


On 25/04/2017, Burkina Faso NDC found an extremely rare event that occurred in the Atlantic Ocean northwest of the Ascension Islands near the West African coast (943 km Monrovia Liberia), a non-seismic zone . What led us to conduct a study on this event in order to know exactly what is happening in the area. This is how, we used seismic and infrasound data and also referred to the IDC REB and SSEB bulletins in order to complete our study. Infrasound technology is an essential part of the international monitoring system of the CTBTO (IMS), which monitors the world to prevent disasters caused by explosions. Understanding this technology and knowing how it works is very important for the overall performance of the IMS and even the entry into force of the Treaty.

Primary author

Sombewindin Emile Tiendrebeogo (National Center of Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST))

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