23–27 Oct 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Application of Infrasound and Seismic data in the detections of mining activities in Côte d’lvoire

Not scheduled
Poster Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


Uchenna Onwuhaka Madu (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission)


The IS17, DBIC and TORD stations are all within 1000km from the Tongon open pit mines which are located in the north of Côte d’lvoire, 55km south of the border with Mali. The ability of these stations to be deployed for civil and scientific purposes was assessed from July 2016 to March 2017 with the study of mining activities that occurred at Tongon. Using IMS data and IDC products in the study of infrasound and seismic signals, the azimuth from the infrasound station and the seismic stations crossed at the mining site. This study presents the analysis of these stations within the period of study.

Primary author

Uchenna Onwuhaka Madu (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission)

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