Over the years, the ability of Researchers and other experts from across the globe to participate in the effective utilization of Infrasound Data and products is limited by the access to these data and products . The ability to constitute a major step towards the overall success of the CTBT implementation and its universalization is hinged on the greater involvement of the relevant stakeholders in the GRDI. To ensure this greater involvement, the CTBT through funding from the EU and support from Educational Institutions from across the globe, developed the Virtual Data Exploitation Centre (vDEC). The vDEC is a very important avenue for access to the CTBT data by non-NDC Users with Research in the relevant CTBT areas. The value and benefits of this platform is still not well appreciated. On this premise, the Nigerian NDC has continued to encourage members of the academia to utilize the vDEC platform to support the GRDI. This project is to bring to the fore the potentials of the vDEC in respect of GRDI in the area of infrasound technology and how the verification process can benefit from it.