23–27 Oct 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Identifying Infrasound Signal Quality Issues Using Power Density Spectra: Categorization of Distortion Sources

Not scheduled
Oral Station engineering and performance


Pavel Martysevich (CTBTO)


Number of distortions can affect the data quality of infrasound records. Remote diagnostics of infrasound stations in the area of signal quality includes analysis of power spectral density plots (PSD) of the remote elements. In the presentation we try to summarize the most typical signal distortions which are visible in the PSD, with source explanation and recommendation for remedial actions. In general, the distortions of the signal can be divided into three main parts: (a) distortions of electrical origin, (b) distortions of acoustical origin and (c) distortion of seismic/mechanical origin. Typical examples of each type are presented and discussed.

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