7–11 Nov 2016
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Local and regional infrasound sources detected by IS17

Not scheduled
Poster 5. Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


Komenan Benjamin Kouassi (Station Geophysique de Lamto)


The analysis of local and regional sources of infrasound emission was done using the new software DTK-MCSP and DTK-DIVA provided by the CTBTO. The sources were studied in 2009-2016.
The analysis showed two (2) frequency bands emission from these sources: 3.0-1.0Hz and 0.3-0.1Hz respectively for high and low frequencies. The different sources detected can be divided into two (2) groups according to their azimuth.
The first group emit infrasound with a constant azimuth throughout the study period (80°, 100°, 120°; and around 150° and 250°). These emissions are high frequency (3.0-1.0Hz) and are independent of high-altitude wind fields. These sources indicate mainly industrial areas. The second group is detected with three azimuth angles around: 200°; 270° and 330°. These sources are low frequency (0.3-0.1Hz) and have a seasonal cycle. The sources with 200° and 330° azimuth appear to come from the south and north of Atlantic ocean respectively. These sources can be the Atlantic ocean swells. The source of 270° azimuth derived from the mountainous region west of Cote d’Ivoire.

Primary author

Komenan Benjamin Kouassi (Station Geophysique de Lamto)

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