7–11 Nov 2016
Europe/Vienna timezone

civil and scientific application of infra sound data at IMS stations in Kenya

Not scheduled
Poster 5. Analysis of Sources and Scientific Applications


John Opiyo Akech (National Council for Science & Technology)


Kenya hosts two IMS stations and several seismic station network Having endured, and,after fully addressing the life cycle challenges at both of these stations,we have now embarked on the civil and scientific application of data that is collected by both these stations and sent to both the IDC in Vienna and the NDC-KE in Kenya. The involvement of the government, the local community and the stake holders has helped in maintaining the security of the stations and hence the continued attainment of 98% data availability threshold, standards set by the CTBTO. Educating the community and sharing of the analyzed data from the NDC has led into the participation of both the government and the local community in using the same data for both civil and scientific gains.

Primary author

John Opiyo Akech (National Council for Science & Technology)

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