The ability of experts from the emerging NDCs to posses the capability for utilization of the data and products from all the verification technologies constitutes a major step towards the overall success of the CTBT implementation. Currently, there appears to be indicative of serious human and institutional capacity inadequacy within several countries in the West African sub-region in the effective utilization of the available data and resources of the Infrasound verification technology. Within the African continent, Tunisia and some few other African countries have immense knowledge and experience in the infrasound technology analysis capability. We believe that establishing the causes of this inadequacy will greatly assist in bridging this huge knowledge deficiency. More so that in December, 2013 during the NDC Development Workshop in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, specific call was made to: 'extend the infrasound measurement background campaigns to cover further regions of interest in Africa’. This provided the impetus for this study which will consider the current status of infrasound verification knowledge, capability of some selected NDCs and availability of experts in the sub-region (West Africa). It will draw from the experience of Tunisia to provide some strategies for bridging this huge gap (e.g. scientific/study visits etc).