Abstract Infrasound Experiment in Indonesia Hendri Subakti Scientific collaboration between the BMKG and the CEA in the field of geophysics started in the 1980’s, and more recently in the field of infrasound with the installation of the experimental station in Palangkaraya Borneo and Pelabuhan ratu Java also Tondano North Celebes. The volcanic activity is very important in Indonesia where about 129 active volcanoes are counted. Bisides the dramatic aspect of this activity, the Indonesian volcanic Arc offers a potential number of important infrasound sourcesdistributied over time and spaceThe Palangkaraya experiment has clearly demonstrated the potential of infrasound data for monitoring atmospheric changes and source from volcanic activity. After moving to Pelabuhan ratu Java, The infrasound station has been operating in sub optimal conditions, since it is located in a noisy infrasound backround and it small aperture make it very sensitive to any local/regional natural and man made sousce. This is an experiment infrasound in Indonesia pioneer project that would be interesting to continue and develop, furthermore the development of a densified Indonesian network with better positioned station would be much more appropriate for infrasound studies, with for example starting to built a station near Tondano North Celebes.