7–11 Nov 2016
Europe/Vienna timezone

Detectability of Tengchong infrasound array in China

Not scheduled
Oral 3. Data Processing and Station Performance


Wei Su (Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration)


The Tengchong seismo-acoustic array located in southwest of China has been running for 5 years. We perform broadband (0.01–5 Hz) array processing with the infrasound continuous waveform data (from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2015) using the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation algorithm in 15 log-spaced frequency bands defined by Matoza et al.(2013).The detection results show microbaroms [0.1-0.5 Hz] come from azimuth between 180 and 240◦ during April to October related to the significant wave height in southern India ocean,but microbaroms come from azimuth between 30 and 90◦ during September to March related to the significant wave height in northern Pacific ocean. MAWs [0.01-0.1 Hz] come from azimuth between 270 and 360◦ and between 90 and 160◦ . The detections with azimuth between 100 and 150◦ in December 2014 to January 2015 may be related to the several typhoons from the Western Pacific ocean. The PMCC results confirm that the coherent signals typically exhibit systematic seasonal variations.

Primary author

Wei Su (Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration)

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