7–11 Nov 2016
Europe/Vienna timezone

Palau NDC Project: Acoustic Surveillance of Hazardous Volcanic Eruptions (ASHE) in Asia

Not scheduled
Oral 3. Data Processing and Station Performance


Milton Garces (Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Nuclear Arms Control Technology Program)


The ASHE Ecuador (2004-2012) collaboration between Ecuador, Canada, and the US demonstrated the capability to use real-time infrasound to provide low-latency volcanic eruption notifications to the Volcano Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) in Washington DC. The Atmospheric dynamics Research Infrastructure in Europe (ARISE, 2012-2018) supported by the European Commission fosters integrating innovative methods for remote detection and characterization of distant eruptive sources through collaborations with the VAAC Toulouse and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty Organization (CTBTO). The ASHE Asia project proposes an international collaboration between the Earth Observatory of Singapore, the VAAC Darwin, National Data Centers in Japan and Palau, and will receive the support of ARISE, to provide improved early notification of potentially hazardous eruptions in Asia and the Western Pacific using a combination of established technologies and next-generation mobile sensing systems. The increased availability of open seismoacoustic data in the ASEAN region as well as recent advances in mobile distributed sensors networks will facilitate unprecedented rapid progress in monitoring remote regions for early detection of hazardous volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters.

Primary author

Milton Garces (Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Nuclear Arms Control Technology Program)

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