12–15 Oct 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Emergency launches of carrier rockets from Baikonur cosmodrome recorded by infrasound and seismic stations of KZNET network

Not scheduled
Oral 5. Analysis of Infrasound Sources and Scientific Applications of Infrasound


Inna Sokolova (Institute of Geophysical Researches)


Starting from 1957, Baikonur cosmodrome located in Central Kazakhstan launches rockets on a regular basis. The flight traces pass over the territory of Kazakhstan where the infrasound and seismic stations of KZNET network are installed. KNDC Data Centre conducts detailed analysis of seismic and acoustic records of events of different nature round-the-clock; among them there are some associated with launch, flight, accident falls and burst of carrier rockets. The records of Kazakhstan seismic and infrasound stations were studied on availability of signals connected with accident falls of rockets for the period 1994.06-2015.06. Seismic and acoustic records from stations ABKAR, AKTO (AS59), BRVK, BVAR(AS57), IS31, KKAR, OTUK, VOS connected with large accidents of carrier rockets Dnepr (July 26, 2006), Proton (September 5, 2007 and July 2, 2013) were studied in details.

Primary author

Inna Sokolova (Institute of Geophysical Researches)

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