12–15 Oct 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Improved Approach towards IMS Equipment and Service Contracts (Call-Offs)

Not scheduled
Oral 2. Infrasound Instrumentation


James Stuart Robertson (CTBTO)


Together with the guidance of the PTS 2014-2017 Midterm Strategy, IMS Operational Manuals and historical experience throughout the IMS, IMS/ED has begun an earnest and well planned effort to improve the quality of future equipment and services support contracts. In order to benefit IMS stations, targeted engineering contracts include intra site communications, station power systems, grounding/lightning protection and data acquisitions systems. With these future contracts, along with the recently implemented Wind Noise Reduction System contract, IMS/ED will focus on both the supply of quality goods and the sourcing of reliable services, all in an effort to continually improve existing and planned IMS stations.

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