12–15 Oct 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Russian IMS Infrasound Stations: Issues of Operation and Modernization

Not scheduled
Oral 2. Infrasound Instrumentation


Evgenii Demian (Special Monitoring Service (SMS) of the Ministry of Defense )


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was ratified by the Russian Federation on 30 June 2000. According to the Treaty there are four IMS infrasound stations in Russia, which are located in Dubna (IS43), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy (IS44), Ussuriysk (IS45) and Zalesovo (IS46). During operation Russian IMS infrasound stations there are different problems, such as flooding of station's equipment, necessity of using special transport to achive some sites, absence of spare digitizers and microbarometers because of shipment problems to RF etc. The solution of some issues can be simplified with using equipment produced in RF. For example, microbarometer ISGM-03M, which was developed by Scientific Technical Center "Geophysical Measurements" (Novosibirsk, Russia). Microbarometer ISGM-03M meets PTS certification requirements. Calibration of microbarometer can be provided with the aid of automated equipment ISCGM-2. The use of this microbarometer will make it possible to reduce time of repair and alleviate logistic and customs problems.

Primary author

Evgenii Demian (Special Monitoring Service (SMS) of the Ministry of Defense )

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