12–15 Oct 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Overview of IMS infrasound station and engineering projects

Not scheduled
Oral 1. IMS, IDC and NDC Infrasound Projects


Julien Marty (CTBTO)


The infrasound component of the International Monitoring System (IMS) consists of sixty stations, including forty-seven certified stations transmitting continuous data to the International Data Centre (IDC) in Vienna, Austria. Each infrasound station is composed of an array of infrasound sensors capable of measuring micropressure changes produced at ground level by infrasonic waves. The Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBTO) is continuously working towards the completion and sustainment of the IMS infrasound network. The objective of this presentation is to review the main activities performed in the IMS infrasound network over the last year. This includes construction, installation, certification, major upgrade and revalidation activities. Major technology development projects to improve the reliability and robustness of IMS infrasound stations as well as their compliance with IMS Operational Manual requirements will also be highlighted.

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