Fission molybdenum-99 is being produced in Argentina, at the Ezeiza Atomic Centre, since 1985. The procedure involved the irradiation of HEU targets with an Uranium-Aluminum alloy "meat" cladded with aluminum. At the end of years 90 the Atomic Energy National Commission of Argentina (CNEA) started the development of new LEU targets for its Mo-99 production, in order to replace present HEU miniplates and in the year 2002 began to commercialize Mo-99 from LEU targets. The Production process was sold by the firm INVAP to Australia, Egypt, Algeria and Coqui Pharma (USA) By 2018 the Argentina expects to be operating the new reactor to produce radioisotopes (RA- 10) and a new radioisotopes production plant from fission. A description of these two facilities will be made. Considering the emission levels of Xe 133 proposed by CTBTO, they should not exceed 5 GBq per day, engineering resources and devices to reach these standards in the new plant will be proposed.