22–26 Jun 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

T2.1-P10. On-site inspection data flow, information handling and management during IFE14

Not scheduled
Poster 2. Events and their characterization




During a CTBT on-site inspection (OSI) the inspection team (IT) collects information and data necessary for the purpose of the inspection in accordance with its mandate. Following the lessons learned from IFE08 processes and systems concerned with data flow, information handling and management were designed, tested and finally utilized during the OSI Integrated Field Exercise 2014 (IFE14). The inspection data and meta-data collected in the inspection area were stored on electronic recording media, and within inspection equipment and navigation tools. Within the base of operation an ICT infrastructure comprised of two local area networks were installed using two separate pools of servers, disk storage fields and software packages in the joint area and office premises, respectively. These systems hosted the Integrated Information Management System (IIMS) and the Field Information Management System (FIMS). We show examples of data handling for selected inspection techniques and for planning and navigation information in an accountable manner to guarantee their originality and uniqueness, to interact with the Inspected State Party (ISP) as required by the Treaty and to have the data and information available for further processing in a timely manner.

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