22–26 Jun 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

T2.1-O5. Scenario Planning and Preparation of Ground-Based and Remotely-Sensed Visual Observables for IFE14

Not scheduled
Oral 2. Events and their characterization


Aviva SUSSMAN (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


The visual observation (VOB, including MSIR) component of an IFE creates the framework for integrating the physical aspects of the inspection area with the technical activities of the exercise. Thus, the inspection team (IT) should demonstrate integration of VOB techniques with all other technologies. An important part of an IFE scenario is to provide a plausible context that the IT must try to understand, helping to more fully engage the IT in its activities and optimizing the results of efforts made. To do so, the scenario story should have clear links to the physical setting of the area in a kind of "what you see is what you get" functioning philosophy. There are visual features in the IFE inspection area (IA) that the IT can document to identify locations of interest and formulate hypotheses (via Inspection Team Functionality [ITF]) required to apply inspection technologies with scientific credibility. For the IFE14 scenario, many visual features were not present in the 'IA’, and therefore the scenario required engineered construction of additional (and artificial) features at two sites that could be consistent with a possible noncompliant event.

Primary author

Aviva SUSSMAN (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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