22–26 Jun 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

T1.5-O1. "Comoro-Islands/Regional seismic Sources and related Effects"

Not scheduled
Oral 1. The Earth as a complex system


Mariama Madi (CNDRS (Centre National de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifique))


Comoro-Islands defined through the extension and ascension of magma-activity is dated from the oldest-Island 'Mayotte’ ≈ 5.4 Ma, 'Moheli’ ≈ 2.2 Ma, 'Anjouan' ≈ 1.5 Ma, to Gde-Comore. Located within the Indian Ocean, the Islands are exposed to multiple seismic activities: Magmatic activity can generate earthquakes felt in land; Seismic events are considerable from regional geological characteristics, thus, the tectonic earthquakes case. Assessing Comoro-surrounding seismic events, using IDC capabilities is significant for number of Benefits: -Based on a statistical approach of seismic events recorded within the Volcano-Observatory and the IDC products (Standard-Event-Lists3) from 2000 to 2014, is to insure that weaknesses of local-system-acquisition are tracked. Consequently, from this process, the NDC will develop important mechanisms of managing seismic events. -Subsequently, apart from making an assessment of local-regional seismic events, another aspect regarding natural hazards is tremendous to be considered. Those natural-hazards might be the consequences triggered from such seismic events, likely; - from volcanic earthquakes, explosive eruptions may generate infrasound effects, as well as release of massive ash into the atmosphere; - and from oceanic seismic events (Mg≈6,7,8,…) a tsunami may be generated and affect the Islands. These geological hazards investigations reinforce the research aspect of Natural Hazards in Comoros.

Primary author

Mariama Madi (CNDRS (Centre National de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifique))

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