22–26 Jun 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

T4.1-P28. The optimization of the seismic monitoring system of the Republic of Belarus

Not scheduled
Poster 4. Performance Optimization


Uladzislau Aronau (The Centre of Geophysical Monitoring of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)


The modern system of seismological monitoring of the Republic of Belarus includes continuous 24-hour observations of seismic events both natural and induced of the wide range of energy and distances, data processing, storage and analysis. It provides the effective on-line monitoring of the seismic situation. But it meets the new requirements of seismic protection in connection with the new data about the geodynamic situation in Soligorsk mining region of Belarus and adjacent territories, the high-rise building and the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. These factors are the cause of the process of the optimization of the Belarusian system of seismological monitoring at all levels. The new methodological, instrumental, hard- and software complex was proposed. It permits to optimize the data transfer from the moment of registration of a seismic event up to the providing users by the analytic and generalized information. The acquisition and collecting of qualitative data, their on-line transmitting, reliable storage and efficient processing, the qualitative analysis and objectivity of results are ensured. The optimization of the system of seismological observations in Belarus in its development is oriented to the further integration into the international global system including data exchange formats, dataware, instrumentation, software etc.

Primary author

Uladzislau Aronau (The Centre of Geophysical Monitoring of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)

Presentation materials