Malaysia has established the CTBT National Data Centre (MY-NDC) in December 2005 which is located at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency. This poster aims to present the application of International Monitoring System (IMS) data and International Data Centre (IDC) products at the Malaysian CTBT National Data Centre (MY-NDC). Since its establishment, MY-NDC received data from a few IMS stations. MY-NDC also utilizes the IDC Secured Website to retrieve the IDC products from time to time. For analysis activity, MY-NDC used a software package provided by CTBTO Preparatory Commission. MY-NDC uses the IMS data and IDC products for various purposes such as internal training for NDC staffs, radionuclide monitoring, as well as exercises conducted by CTBTO Preparatory Commission. As a result from the application of IMS data and IDC products, MY-NDC is able to strengthen its in-house capability particularly in data analysis as well as participate in any NDC related exercises organized by CTBTO Preparatory Commission. The IDC products have enable MY-NDC to compare the accuracy of its analysis findings. MY-NDC has greatly benefitted by the application of IMS data and IDC products in the aspect of building up its capability as well as enabling its participation at the international level.