17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

The European Seismological Research Infrastructure: Status and Developments

Not scheduled
Oral Theme 3: Advances in Sensors, Networks and Processing


Torild van Eck (Observatories and Research Facilities for EUropean Seismology)


Europe is currently investing heavily in coordination of its seismological research infrastructures and the products and services they provide through a wide variety of EC and national projects. The current status and on-going developments can described within roughly three categories: • Seismological data, including primary waveforms, metadata and primary measures (arrival times and amplitude of seismic waves) and building on existing network coordination initiatives within the ORFEUS (www.orfeus-eu.org) framework. • Seismological products, including earthquake parameters (location, magnitude), seismic bulletins and (historical) catalogues, earthquake alerts and building on existing coordination efforts within the EMSC (www.emsc-csem.org) framework. • Products and services in seismic hazard and risk, including base date for modeling (catalog of active faults, GMPEs, building vulnerability functions, etc) and modeling tools, hazard & risk maps and scenarios, and building on on-going initiatives in SHARE and NERA and within the EFEHR (www.efehr.org) framework. During 2013 the coordinating organizations are structuring those developments into a comprehensive European seismological RI, well embedded in the international framework to ensure compatibility and, specifically, the general European earth science RI of EPOS. This includes a long-term planning of integrated services based on a scientific research vision in earth sciences.

Primary author

Torild van Eck (Observatories and Research Facilities for EUropean Seismology)

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