17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Energy Accumulation Detection Between Tectonic Plates

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 3: Advances in Sensors, Networks and Processing


Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah (National Defense University (NDU))


The law of conservation of energy states that, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed i.e., energy accumulation at any specified point of time and space is at the cost of energy loss at other points or point keeping the net energy of an ecosystem constant. Means of detecting the energy quantum between tectonic plates can be explored to possibly estimate the total energy quantum and in process its accumulation over a period of time, enabling calculation of net energy at any specified time, finding thresholds that trigger tremors and related specific or generic conditions. Alternatively estimation of the size and mass of respective tectonic plates and acceleration causing gradual shifts can help us find net force and thereby the energy quantum that can possibly accumulate over time. Different similar scenarios can be used to model the estimation of energy quantum verifiable through simulations. Possible time period between two successive events can also be estimated fairly accurately beside identification of specific conditions affecting the phenomenon. This study on success may help possibly in early prediction of events. The hypothesis needs ab-initio development but may yield certain in process additional challenging concepts for exploration.

Primary author

Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah (National Defense University (NDU))

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