17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

PEW – The Processing Engineer Workbench

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 3: Advances in Sensors, Networks and Processing


Sidney Hellman (Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc.)


The Processing Engineers (PE) at the IDC are tasked with maintaining all processing parameters for all data streams delivered to the IDC. This includes coordinating the configurations for the operation of the stations/detectors and the usage of the various data streams by the processing software. This information is complex and the maintenance of this information is laborious. As all modifications require multiple stages and require expert operators, training new PEs is a complex process that can take a year or more to complete. To assist the Processing Engineers in becoming experts and in performing their daily tasks while lowering the likelihood of errors, ISTI created the Processing Engineer Workbench (PEW). PEW provides a central secure tool for the PEs to interact with the core systems. PEW’s power is in its ability to run scripts to automate tasks that address various issues. A PE uses PEW to gather input and then interact with the base systems, which include the database, ticketing system, revision control system, file system and tuxedo. PEW also has the ability to run shell scripts and specialized python code. PEW also provides a status overview and the ability to review and duplicate past operations.

Primary author

Sidney Hellman (Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc.)

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