17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

History of the CTBT Hydroacoustic Network

Not scheduled
Oral Theme 3: Advances in Sensors, Networks and Processing


Martin Lawrence (Former CTBTO)


This presentation addresses the history of the CTBT hydroacoustic network, from its broad definition during negotiations of the Treaty through its early implementation by Provisional Technical Secretariat. It is based on the experience of the presenter during the negotiations of the CTBT (as chairman of the working group on hydroacoustic monitoring) and in the early days of the PTS (as chief of the section responsible for implementing the hydroacoustic-monitoring network of stations).
The period covered is approximately 1993 to 2004, a period encompassing definition of the concept of the hydroacoustic network and of the overall manner of implementing that concept. The overall rationale for the hydroacoustic network is addressed. The various technical choices that were made along the way are addressed, including rationale for the decisions concluded. Such issues include the number and location of stations and their technical characteristics.
Reflections are provided on some issues that could possibly provide further improvements to hydroacoustic monitoring. Also addressed is the issue of flexibility of developments in hydroacoustic monitoring.

Primary author

Martin Lawrence (Former CTBTO)

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