On-site inspections, though intrusive in nature, is one of the most important and effective mechanism as a verification tool in order for a treaty to achieve its objectives. The IAEA safeguards inspection regime, which verifies the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, has accumulated broad experience in the methodology and technology of conducting inspections on international, regional or national levels. The OPCW inspection regime, which verifies the prohibition of Chemical Weapons, though relatively new, has developed quite an effective methodology for their objectives. Other inspection regimes used for verifying other purposes, e.g. biological weapons, trafficking, illegal transport activities or networks and others provide different methodologies to achieve their goals. Experience of these different methodologies of inspection regimes provide important lessons that could contribute important lessons learned for the effective implementation and conduct of a CTBTO On-Site inspection for the detection of possible nuclear test explosion. Discussion of the methodology and objectives of the main inspection regimes and Examples of possible common methodology and technology for different inspection regimes with that of the CTBTO are here discussed.