17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Progress and Challenges in the Establishment of a New National Data Centre (NDC) - A Case of the Nigerian NDC

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 3: Advances in Sensors, Networks and Processing


Awwal Bisallah (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission)


Usually, in the establishment of an NDC for the implementation of the National requirements relevant to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) numerous challenges are encountered especially in developing countries. Some of these challenges could be frustrating and sometimes have the tendency of dragging the NDC establishment process to a halt.
I can say that we also have encountered some of these challenges during the establishment of the NDC-NG and have been able to surmount them to get to where we are today.
It is for the reason of sharing this story that this presentation is made so that other emerging NDCs, particularly those from the African countries, intending to establish NDCs can be encouraged to move on despite all odds. Highlights will be on the beginning, current status and the future plans of the NDC-NG.

Primary author

Awwal Bisallah (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission)

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