17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Upper Limit Estimation of Radioxenon Release in DPRK Event

Not scheduled
Oral Theme 2: Events and Their Characterization


Yuichi Kijima (Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA))


Following the claimed nuclear test in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on 12 February 2013, spectral analysis of radionuclide and ATM simulation were performed by the NDC-2 in Japan which is in charge of analysing radionuclides. There was no detection of artificial radioactive particulates. However, there were several detections of radioxenon, although each activity concentration was not far beyond the normal background range. We tried to estimate upper limit of radioxenon release in the DPRK event by using IMS data and the ATM simulation. The upper limit of Xe-133 release was estimated about 1012-1013 Bq.

Primary author

Yuichi Kijima (Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA))

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