17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Legal Tools Foreseen in the CTBT to Enhance Effective Verification and Foster Technological Development

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 2: Events and Their Characterization


Fanny Tonos Paniagua (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Legal Services Section)


The CTBT prohibits nuclear explosions in all environments in an effectively verifiable manner. Its verification regime for monitoring compliance is the most comprehensive ever envisaged in any multilateral instrument. As the CTBT is intended to be of unlimited duration, and bearing in mind the importance of keeping abreast with technological developments and challenges in order to ensure efficient and cost-effective multilateral verification in a fast changing world, the Treaty foresees several mechanisms to enable States Parties to adapt to new situations and to benefit from the civil and scientific applications of monitoring technologies. Under the Treaty, States Parties are required to cooperate in improving the CTBT verification regime and facilitate national capacity-building. The CTBT’s emphasis on fostering scientific and technological development is coupled with an emphasis on peaceful purposes. The research and capacity-building referred to in Article IV can only be carried out within the context of the fundamental obligation in Article I: the prohibition of nuclear explosions. Article III requires each State Party to take the necessary national measures to bind persons under its jurisdiction. With this poster/presentation, the authors wish to support stakeholders by illustrating the process and the legal framework for carrying this out.

Primary author

Fanny Tonos Paniagua (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Legal Services Section)

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