Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Norway have for a number of years cooperated on a program in the area of capacity building for verification of compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, on the basis of financial support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The cooperating institutions are the Institute of Geophysical Research (IGR) of the National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan, the Institute of Seismology (IS) of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, and NORSAR in Norway. Within this cooperative framework, an international training center in support of technical CTBT verification activities has been established by IGR at the Kazakhstan National Data Center in Almaty. In the Kyrgyz Republic, this cooperation has enabled modernization of ten seismic stations of the national network as well as establishment of data analysis capabilities at the Kyrgyz National Data Center operated by IS in Bishkek. Support has also been provided for participation in CTBT-related workshops and international conferences. Recently, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to support financially a continuation of these activities for the period 2013 - 2015. The presentation will highlight results achieved in this program so far, and will present plans for the work ahead.