17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Hydroacoustic Observation of the Great 2011 Tohoku Earthquake

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 2: Events and Their Characterization


Sukyoung Yun (Korea Polar Research Institute)


The great 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (Mw 9.0) occurred offshore of the east coast of Honshu, Japan on 11 March 2011, and strong T-waves generated by the event are recorded in the Hawaii hydroacoustic array operated by International Monitoring System. We examine the back-azimuths of the signals and spectral contents of the T-waves, and we compare them with the rupture models estimated from previous seismic studies. The results show that the complex rupture process probably causes the scattered back-azimuths and several local peaks. We also analyze T-waves of the Mw 7.7 normal-faulting aftershock. It shows unique envelope shape and frequency contents comparing with those of other thrust-faulting events. These differences would reflect the different source and excitation mechanism.

Primary author

Sukyoung Yun (Korea Polar Research Institute)

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