17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Activity of National Authority for the Prohibition of CNBR Weapons

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 2: Events and Their Characterization


Sokun Kim (National Authority for the Prohibition of CNBR Weapons, Ministry of Defense)


1- Legislation
-National Laws
-International Treaties, Agreements and Conventions
2- Co-operation with International Organizations
-OPCW, IAEA, CBRN of Excellent Center, and Partner Nations
3- National Training Programmer
-Military and civilian individual protective equipment
- Protection & assistance in event of incidents involving
Chemical-warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals
- Detection Method of Toxic Chemicals by CAM-2, HazMart ID 360,
- Monitoring and Decontamination Technique(contaminated areas)
- Publishing to the law on the Prohibition of CBRN
4- Searching & Exploring of Chemical-Warfare Agents
-CS Agents and Detonator
5-Hazard Management
-Radioactive waste is being stored safety at Government Hospital
-Radioactive materials management in the Government Hospital and private health
-Chemical explosive remnant of war at Mondulkiri province, Cambodia
6-Megaport Initiative in Cambodia
 Megaport initiative has agencies involved:
- The Secretariat of National Counter-Terrorism Committee(SNCTC)
- The National Authority for the Prohibition of CBRN Weapons
- General Department of Customs and Excise
- Sihanouk Ville Autonomous Port
- Lack of Human resources on CBRN field
- Lack of Individual Protective Equip

Primary author

Sokun Kim (National Authority for the Prohibition of CNBR Weapons, Ministry of Defense)

Presentation materials

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