17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Two Decades of Great Earthquake Mw > 7 In Java Region Based on Seismic Wave Calculation

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 2: Events and Their Characterization


gunawan ibrahim bahaudin (Bandung Institute of Technology)


The great earthquake in Java region caused high tsunami damage for two decades. We determine the source parameters of the earthquakes based on seismic wave calculation. We calculate the formula using the teleseismic wave signal processing with the initial phase of P wave with bandpass filter 0.001 Hz to 5 Hz. The amount of teleseismic stations is 84 broadband seismometers. The results are the 2 June 1994 Java earthquake with Mw=7.8 and the 17 July 2006 Java earthquake with Mw=7.7 categorized as a tsunami earthquake which distributed about ratio Q=-6.1, long rupture duration To>100 s and high tsunami H>7 m. The 2 September 2009 Java earthquake with Mw=7.2, Q=-5.1 and To=27 s which characterized as a small tsunamigenic earthquake.

Primary author

gunawan ibrahim bahaudin (Bandung Institute of Technology)

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