17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Characterization of the April 11, 2012 Sumatra Outer-Rise Earthquake Based on Seismic Wave Calculation

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 2: Events and Their Characterization


nanang tyasbudi puspito puspito (Bandung Institute of Technology)


The April 11, 2012 Sumatra Earthquake, has very large magnitude Mw = 8.6 and allegedly caused huge tsunamis but the reality is very low only H = 0.3 m. We categorize this incident as an outer-rise earthquake and depth = 40 km. The calculation of source parameters using the teleseismic wave characterized as the tsunamigenic earthquake withseismic moment Mo = 6.3E+21 Nm, seismic energy E = 3.3E+16 Nm, ratio energy and moment R = -5.3 and long rupture duration 134 sec.

Primary author

nanang tyasbudi puspito puspito (Bandung Institute of Technology)

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