17–21 Jun 2013
Europe/Vienna timezone

Voluntary Engagement Between the Medical Isotope Production and Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Communities

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 1: The Earth as a Complex System


Ian Cameron (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


Thanks in large part to ongoing dialogue between the medical isotope production and nuclear explosion monitoring communities at events like the annual Workshop on the Signatures of Medical and Industrial Isotope Production (WOSMIP), the challenges that effluents from isotope production can create when monitoring for nuclear explosions are receiving due attention. The two communities have shown a willingness to explore potential technical solutions to these challenges, including the increased use of facility stack monitoring data and the examination of existing and future effluent containment systems. In addition, the two communities have discussed the means by which to recognize those isotope producers who show willingness to go beyond what is required by current industry regulations. This model of cooperation between two communities with diverse and disparate goals holds promise in resolving some of the technical challenges presented, while minimizing interference in doing so.

Primary author

Ian Cameron (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Presentation materials